Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Three Weeks Later

The fire cats have all been in foster homes for 3 weeks now.  The 18 cats are divided up between three of us (Jordana, Katie and myself, Michaela).

I started with 8 females at my house.  Unfortunately, two were being picking on a little bit by the group, so they were moved to Jordana's who is working with them, as she is very experienced with feral cats! (One is semi Feral and the other is between semi-feral and feral).  So Jordana has Iris and Lilac.

Katie has kept all the males at her house.  Because none of the cats are spayed or neutered (except one), it was really important to get them separated right away.  Katie has Anubis, King, Theo, York, Murray, Colonel and Timber.  Katie also has two females at her place as well, Carly and Puma.

I have Bluebell, Trillium, Lotus, Calla, Dahlia, Orchid, and Eclipse.

I have been working for hours daily with the cats to get them to become accustom to being handled and loved by people.  So far my major accomplishments are:

  1. I have four cats that I can get purring (Orchid, Trillium, Lotus and Dahlia)
  2. Three cats will eat treats out of my hand (Orchid, Eclipse, Lotus)
  3. All seven cats will let me pet them and five will actually enjoy it!  (Calla is still very nervous, and Bluebell still isn't sure)
  4. One cat will greet me at the door when I come in!  (Eclipse)

Considering these cats have had very minimal human contact their entire lives, I have to say that I feel like I have made GREAT progress at this point!

Our goal is to get the cats in foster homes in groups of two!  It is much easier to work with them in smaller groups, when the "mob mentality" isn't there to affect them!

If you are interested in fostering, please head over to our website and fill out a foster application form!  We are ALWAYS looking for more help  (helpcats.ca)

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