Tuesday, 16 December 2014

A List to Santa from the Fire Cats

We are a group of 18 cats that Ottawa Stray Cat Rescue rescued from a house that burned down a few weeks ago. The team worked really hard,  and we made them trap each and everyone of us. We didn't really trust their intentions, but now we know they are great people. Unfortunately, since there are so many of us, we think they could use your help Santa. We would love to ask you if you could supply them with a few things to help them out.

First of all, we would love to get a couple more new traps for them. Unfortunately, some of our siblings are still out there and we want them caught, we miss them. We would also love someone to help sponsor us! Sadly, none of us have been spayed or neutered and we all have some sicknesses from being out in the cold. We are going to cost them lots of money at the vet.  

Now for us, we would love some nice scratching posts and cat trees!  We like to climb and we like to be up high. We are a little messy with litter boxes, because they are new to us, so some covered litter boxes would be helpful for our foster parents. And on that note, litter would be great for them too! There are lots of us and we go through a  lot of litter. We are learning to play, so some toys and wand toys would really help us learn. And turns out we love TREATS too! We would love if you could fill our stockings with those yummy treats.  

Thanks Santa, We know you can help us out!  

Love,  Iris, Lilac, Orchid, Bluebell, Eclipse, Trillium, Calla, Lotus,  Daphlia, York, Colonel, Murray, Puma, Carly, Anubis, Timber King and  Theo

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