Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Did You Hear...?

Orchid is now available for adoption!!!  I always knew she would be the first to go up for adoption! The day we rescued her, I brought her home and she sat on my lap and cuddled.  She was always my favourite from the group.  To be honest, I thought she would be my first ever Foster Fail!  I really thought I would keep her to myself!

But this girl deserves a wonderful family and permanent home!  What can I say about Orchid...She is gorgeous and has BEAUTIFUL markings!  She is a lovely silvery grey colour!  The minute I open the door to the cat room, the first thing I hear is her purring.  She usually comes to the door to greet me.  She purrs the entire time I am in the room with them.  If I try to touch another cat, she pushes her way over to get in on the petting!  She gives amazing head butts, just to let you know that she still wants you to pet her!  She eats treats out of my hand and gives me kisses constantly!  She still doesn't love being picked up, but she is happy to sit on your lap (as long as you pet her...the WHOLE time!)  She is very tidy, uses her litterbox well, and has no food issues.

The only requirement for adopting Orchid is, she needs to have another cat companion in her new home with her.  Because she was rescued from a hoarding situation, she is a very social girl.  She craves attention, and if she can't get it from her human, she needs a feline friend to cuddle up with!

Orchid does not have a mean bone in her body!  She is an all around sweetheart!  So please, please make this adoption process easy on me!  Because I know I will cry when she leaves me! But they will be happy tears!

Check out Orchid's album on our facebook page!  Or better yet head to helpcats.ca and submit and application to meet her!  I promise you won't be disappointed with this girl!

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