Saturday, 27 December 2014

Feature Cat - Spider

Male, DSH, Estimated DOB- May 2014

Spider is a wonderful little guy who has really come out of his shell and learning that humans really are great company. He can often be found laying on the couch with his fosters, or jumping up on their laps for cuddles. He loves to roll on his back and let's his foster mom pet his belly. If he had his way, she would do this all day long. He will also never turn down a good bum scratch and has the loudest purr known to man. He would be a great addition to a home who has another cat as he has already been meowing at his foster brother to come and be his friend.  If you think that Spider could be the purrfect fit for your family, head over to to fill out an application to meet him! We are pawsitive you won't be disappointed with him.

Spider with his foster brother Hemingway

Friday, 26 December 2014

Want a Cat to Love You?

Want a Cat to Love You? What can you do to get a cat to come to you? 
One follow one simple method at OSCatR... and it is as easy as Avoiding eye contact. Cats don’t like eye contact with strangers, so will almost always go to the person who’s not looking at them. This also is the answer to the age-old mystery of why cats always seem to go to the one person in the room who doesn’t like cats. It’s because she may be the only one not “rudely” — in the cat’s view — staring.

Lena  (Available for Adoption)

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Did You Know OSCatR has a Wish List?

Christmas is only about 36 hours away!  You still have some time to pick up a few things from our Christmas Wish List!  Our entire rescue is volunteer based, and we often depend on generous donations to provide our foster families with supplies!

No donation is too small!

Did you buy a new brand of cat food and your cat refused it?  We gladly accept open bags.

Did you accidentally let your cat food expire?  No problem!  Our colony cats are just happy to have free food to eat.

Big Christmas purchase from Canadian Tire?  We will gladly accept your Canadian Tire money! It helps us buy traps!

You get the idea!  We will accept any donation you can provide!  Please email to arrange for pick up or a drop off location.

Thanks for thinking of us, and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :)

Did You Hear...?

Orchid is now available for adoption!!!  I always knew she would be the first to go up for adoption! The day we rescued her, I brought her home and she sat on my lap and cuddled.  She was always my favourite from the group.  To be honest, I thought she would be my first ever Foster Fail!  I really thought I would keep her to myself!

But this girl deserves a wonderful family and permanent home!  What can I say about Orchid...She is gorgeous and has BEAUTIFUL markings!  She is a lovely silvery grey colour!  The minute I open the door to the cat room, the first thing I hear is her purring.  She usually comes to the door to greet me.  She purrs the entire time I am in the room with them.  If I try to touch another cat, she pushes her way over to get in on the petting!  She gives amazing head butts, just to let you know that she still wants you to pet her!  She eats treats out of my hand and gives me kisses constantly!  She still doesn't love being picked up, but she is happy to sit on your lap (as long as you pet her...the WHOLE time!)  She is very tidy, uses her litterbox well, and has no food issues.

The only requirement for adopting Orchid is, she needs to have another cat companion in her new home with her.  Because she was rescued from a hoarding situation, she is a very social girl.  She craves attention, and if she can't get it from her human, she needs a feline friend to cuddle up with!

Orchid does not have a mean bone in her body!  She is an all around sweetheart!  So please, please make this adoption process easy on me!  Because I know I will cry when she leaves me! But they will be happy tears!

Check out Orchid's album on our facebook page!  Or better yet head to and submit and application to meet her!  I promise you won't be disappointed with this girl!

Sunday, 21 December 2014

More Fire Cats are on the Move!!

It's becoming more real!  These cats are going to get an amazing shot at a new life!!  Eclipse and Lotus moved to their new foster homes today!!  Their new foster mom is experienced and will take great care of them.  Her goal is to socialize them, and make them human loving and trusting cats!  I'm confident she can get this done!

Lotus is a lovely brown tabby, that has made great progress in her 4.5 weeks in care.  Lotus was extremely sick when she was first trapped.  Antibiotics have made a world of a difference for her. Lotus will eat treats from my hand and purrs up a storm when you pet her.  She is just beginning to be interested in playing with toys.  I know her new foster mom will have her playing in no time.

Eclipse is a Lynx Point Siamese Mix, and she has the attitude that comes with her breed!  When I got Eclipse, I could not touch her without her biting me or trying to bite me!  Eventually, I got to the point where I could touch her lightly, but she would still hiss at me every single time.  Eclipse did learn to play with toys in her time with me, and she was working hard to teach Lotus how to as well.  Eclipse will challenge her new foster mom, but I have no doubt that her new mom will get her to come around and see how awesome humans really are!

Please join me in wishing Nadine good luck on her new adventure with Eclipse and Lotus!!

Saturday, 20 December 2014

The Fire Cats are one the Move

Today is an exciting day for some of the fire cats!  Because I have 8 cats here, it is really hard to work with the cats and get them used to people, playing and loving the indoor life.  We put out a plea for new fosters, and we got some!

Today, Trillium and Bluebell are moving together with their new foster Mom and family!  They will get lots of one on one attention, and hopefully learn to trust humans more!  Trillium is really coming around.  She enjoys being pet and will even start to purr for me! Bluebell is still pretty nervous. She is a little older (maybe 2ish) so she has had more time to become less trusting!  But thankfully, I'm certain with a little work she will be a great cat.

Please send along your good thoughts and healing powers to Trillium and Bluebell's new foster mom Pattie!

Stay tuned, tomorrow some more cats will be on the move!

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Eclipse Learns to Play

Often, we find ourselves having to teach foster cats how to play.  In the case of the fire cats, they certainly need to be taught.  I have been working hard with my group and finally I have got Eclipse playing a little bit!  Lotus is VERY curious and so close to jumping in to play as well.

Enjoy these videos of them playing with Cat wands!

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Orchid Loves Belly Rubs

Orchid is one of the only fire cats that is desperate for affection.  She loves getting pet and rubbed.  She starts purring as soon as I walk into the room.   She gives me tons of licks while I pet her and she likes to nibble on my fingers.  We call those love bites :)   Orchid often rolls onto her back so that I have full access to her belly!  She loves her belly rubs. 

Here are a few videos of the progress made with  Orchid.  You can see that some of the others are interested but just not sure about it yet.  But they will come around, I'm confident in that!

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

A List to Santa from the Fire Cats

We are a group of 18 cats that Ottawa Stray Cat Rescue rescued from a house that burned down a few weeks ago. The team worked really hard,  and we made them trap each and everyone of us. We didn't really trust their intentions, but now we know they are great people. Unfortunately, since there are so many of us, we think they could use your help Santa. We would love to ask you if you could supply them with a few things to help them out.

First of all, we would love to get a couple more new traps for them. Unfortunately, some of our siblings are still out there and we want them caught, we miss them. We would also love someone to help sponsor us! Sadly, none of us have been spayed or neutered and we all have some sicknesses from being out in the cold. We are going to cost them lots of money at the vet.  

Now for us, we would love some nice scratching posts and cat trees!  We like to climb and we like to be up high. We are a little messy with litter boxes, because they are new to us, so some covered litter boxes would be helpful for our foster parents. And on that note, litter would be great for them too! There are lots of us and we go through a  lot of litter. We are learning to play, so some toys and wand toys would really help us learn. And turns out we love TREATS too! We would love if you could fill our stockings with those yummy treats.  

Thanks Santa, We know you can help us out!  

Love,  Iris, Lilac, Orchid, Bluebell, Eclipse, Trillium, Calla, Lotus,  Daphlia, York, Colonel, Murray, Puma, Carly, Anubis, Timber King and  Theo

Three Weeks Later

The fire cats have all been in foster homes for 3 weeks now.  The 18 cats are divided up between three of us (Jordana, Katie and myself, Michaela).

I started with 8 females at my house.  Unfortunately, two were being picking on a little bit by the group, so they were moved to Jordana's who is working with them, as she is very experienced with feral cats! (One is semi Feral and the other is between semi-feral and feral).  So Jordana has Iris and Lilac.

Katie has kept all the males at her house.  Because none of the cats are spayed or neutered (except one), it was really important to get them separated right away.  Katie has Anubis, King, Theo, York, Murray, Colonel and Timber.  Katie also has two females at her place as well, Carly and Puma.

I have Bluebell, Trillium, Lotus, Calla, Dahlia, Orchid, and Eclipse.

I have been working for hours daily with the cats to get them to become accustom to being handled and loved by people.  So far my major accomplishments are:

  1. I have four cats that I can get purring (Orchid, Trillium, Lotus and Dahlia)
  2. Three cats will eat treats out of my hand (Orchid, Eclipse, Lotus)
  3. All seven cats will let me pet them and five will actually enjoy it!  (Calla is still very nervous, and Bluebell still isn't sure)
  4. One cat will greet me at the door when I come in!  (Eclipse)

Considering these cats have had very minimal human contact their entire lives, I have to say that I feel like I have made GREAT progress at this point!

Our goal is to get the cats in foster homes in groups of two!  It is much easier to work with them in smaller groups, when the "mob mentality" isn't there to affect them!

If you are interested in fostering, please head over to our website and fill out a foster application form!  We are ALWAYS looking for more help  (

Monday, 15 December 2014

Meet the Fire Cat Gang!



Trillium and Bluebell



Top: Dahlia, Calla and Orchid
Middle: Trillium
Bottom: Lotus





Colonel and Puma

Pictures of Carly, Theo and Timber to come soon (they are the most recent to come in)

The Richmond Fire

On November 19th, 2014 there was a large house fire in Richmond.  Unfortunately, the house was completely destroyed and the remaining structure was bulldozed to the ground.  We quickly found out that this was a hoarding situation, and were told that there was anywhere from 15 to 30 cats in the house, with some estimates coming in at 45 cats.  Two of our team members were at the house that night checking out the situation!  The firemen had told us that when they got there and broke through the front door, that tons of cats came running out.  So we knew we needed to be there bright and early the next morning.  We left kibble out for the night and hoped the cats would settle.

Thursday morning, a team of 4 of us got there with 6 traps, tons of canned tuna, crates, carriers, blankets and were ready to go.  It just so happened that that Thursday morning had to be the coldest day so far this winter.  It was -22 when we got there.  As we pulled up, we saw one lone cat sitting in the snow.  We didn't have high hopes.

So we got the traps ready and started filling them with stinky tuna in hopes that more cats would come out of hiding.  As we were setting, you could feel the eyes on you... Everywhere you looked you saw another set of eye.  It was at that point that we realized our hands were going to be full with this rescue attempt.

5 hours later, we had trapped 8 cats.  Unfortunately when a trap catches a cat, it makes a rather loud noise, and usually scares the rest off.  It takes time for them to gain the confidence to come back to the food.  The 4 of us were complete frozen at this point, and decided to call it a day.  We left tons of food for the cats, and would be back the next morning.

Turns out, someone volunteered to try and again for a couple hours that night and successfully caught 2 more that night!

10 cats in one day!  So amazing, and yet so sad.

Over the next week and a half, volunteers went out daily trying to catch the remaining cats.   As of today, 19 cats have been caught!!   The best friend of the gentleman's whose house burned down kept one cat, leaving us with 18.

As anyone can imagine, bringing this many cats into care is expensive!  We need to vet all the cats. And let me tell you, these cats were not in great health when they came in.  The first batch of 6 went to the vet 2 weeks.ago.  The list of illnesses included: pneumonia, upper respiratory infections, eye infection, ear mites, ear infections, broken teeth, worms, possible pregnancies, etc etc etc!!!  This was just 6 cats!! We have 18!  Can you imagine.

Sadly, out of the 18 cats, only ONE was neutered!  The rescue must now pay for 17 cats to get spayed or neutered.

We have been treating all the cats with antibiotics for their multiple infections.  All have been dewormed once so far.  All have also received Revolution to treat the ear mites, and protect against other parasites.

While most of these cats have been in care for a few weeks, they are still a little nervous.  But there are some that are little love bugs! We are making progress every day with them.  Often cats that are in hoarding situations are quite feral, or semi-feral.  It takes a lot of time to gain the trust of these cats.

We have named the cats:  Calla, Orchid, Bluebell, Trillium, Lotus, Dahlia, Iris, Lilac, Eclipse, Puma, Carly, Murray, York, Anubis, Colonel, King, Timber and Theo.

I will post pictures of each cat shortly so you can see what they all look like!!  And I will be following them closely with the blog.

If you are interested in helping with these cats, we would love for these cats to be sponsored! Sponsoring includes covering the vetting fees.  But any donation would be greatly appreciated. Please contact to make a donation.

Welcome to Ottawa Stray Cat Rescue's New Blog

Hello everyone!

We are starting a blog so that you can follow some of our cats on their journeys from the day we intake them, to the day they are adopted and all the fun times in the middle.  We will highlight special cases and provide many updates along the way.  We hope you enjoy seeing the updates and following along with your favourite cats!