Monday, 16 February 2015

Feature Cat - Neptune


Neptune:  Male, DSH, Estimated DOB- May 2014

Neptune is one of the sweetest foster cats I have ever had.  He is a perfect gentleman!  This boy came into care in early January, and is loving his new life.   Neptune is a cuddly 10 month old teenager that still often acts like a kitten!  He loves playing with the younger kittens in his foster home and teaches them how to play with the new toys.  He is always grooming the younger cats and taking care of them like he is their Momma,   Neptune is obviously great with other cats, but he is also great with dogs! He respects they and their space.

Neptune does not have a mean bone in his body.  He is a chatty little man who loves to jump in bed and snuggle with you.  He will often meet me at the door when I come home, and usually brings a toy with him.

Neptune is also great with Children!  He will play for hours with them, and when he needs a break, he just walks away to one of his sleeping places.  Neptune will make a fantastic family cat.  Who ever adopts this little man will be very lucky, he will treat you like gold.

If you are interested in meeting Neptune please head over to our website and fill out an application to adopt him.

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Feature Cat - Ginny


Ginny -Female, DMH, Estimated DOB- May 2013

Little Ginny deceived us for many months - we thought she was a he.... turns out nope... she is a she. However, the name really stuck. Ginny is a quiet and easygoing gal. She is people shy, but coming around more and more every day.  She is from a colony of cats near Hunt Club & Conroy.

Ginny is a medium-haired grey & white beauty. She is very shy even now that she's inside, though she's getting braver by the day. While she may hide when you first come to meet her or bring her home, with a little patience you can win her over. The first time you pet her while she purrs will be the best reward.  Ginny gets along well with other cats and does well with dogs. She can accept being chased and also does the chasing, playing with both her roommates. While she is not particularly keen on toys, she will find and play with every elastic that has ever existed in your home. Ginny likes to sit on window sills and gaze out at the world and she likes to make herself at home at the top of any cat tree, the higher the better.  Ginny is looking for her forever home, ideally one where her new family will have lots of love and patience and ideally with no young children. Will you take her home?

If you would like to set up a time to meet this beautiful girl, head over to and fill out an adoption application.  If you have any questions, email

Ginny is a BEAUTIFUL girl

Ginny Loves her Cat Tree

Ginny is great with her foster kitten sister (not for adoption)

Saturday, 3 January 2015

Got Mice In Your Barn? We have a Solution!

Sometimes we rescue cats that are just not adoptable.  No matter how hard we try, or want to keep every single cat inside and out of the cold - It is just no possible.  Sometimes we have to release them. We are looking for some barns that can be shelter for these cats.

If you have a barn, these cats make EXCELLENT mousers!!  

Please consider one of our cats!  We spay/neuter them, as well as vaccinate them.

Send an email to to discuss the details!

Feature Cat - Clayton


Clayton:Male, DSH, Estimated DOB- May 2013

Clayton is a friendly little cat who likes to be where the action is. If you leave the room he will often follow you so he can be where you are. When his foster mom is in one room and his foster dad is in another he will sit in the hallway between them so as if not to choose one of them over the other! Clayton is talkative and will often greet people at the door and tell them all about his day. He is playful and his favourite toy is anything round he can bat around the house. He also loves sitting at the window and watching the squirrels play in the tree. Since he has been in his foster home he has grown in his willingness to cuddle. When he first came, he liked to be pet but was happy to do his own thing most of the time. Now he is showing his quirky side by designating the bed as his preferred “cuddle zone” and will often try to lead his foster parents there at various points throughout the day. He is untested around other pets and children but has a good temperament and likely would be able to adapt with time.

If you are interested in setting up a time to meet with Clayton please fill out an adoption application at or email

Friday, 2 January 2015

Happy New Year from OSCatR's Adoptable Cats!

We, at Ottawa Stray Cat Rescue, want to wish you and your family a very Happy New Year!  We are hoping that 2015 will be a fantastic year for the cats in our care.

We hope to help more cats than ever before, but we need your help to do so!

We are always looking for people that would like to foster.  It can be as simple as offering up your bathroom!  Anything is better than cats being outside in the cold miserable winter.

If you can't foster, we are always looking for new volunteers to help with our fundraising team.

Don't have time to fundraise, how about making a donation to the rescue?  Vet care is very expensive and we often take in very sick cats.  No amount of donation is too small.

Don't have money to spare?....Then help by sharing our Facebook posts!  We often post our cats that are up for adoption, or special requests for help!  By sharing our posts, it means that more people are seeing them!

I am sure you get the point! No matter what, there is something YOU can do.

Now, Please accept warm wishes for 2015 from the following cats, who just happen to be up for adoption!!!  (Visit to fill out an adoption application if you would like to meet one of these amazing cats!)

Betty Davis (Female)

Boreal (Female)

Chowder (Male)

Cleo (Female)

Holly (Female)

King (Male)

Marlowe (Male)

MJ (Male)

Mouse (Female)

Orchid (Female)

Zuzu (Female)